2016 Wedding Favorites

It’s finally here! One of my favorite blog posts of the year – my yearly favorites! This post always takes forever to put together (which may help explain why it’s being posted over a month late) but it’s worth it to see a summary of the 2016 wedding season all in one place.  I love getting to go through all of the images  from the past year and being able relive each day as I narrow down my favorites (from thousands, to 500, to a final 150 images)! I also love getting to see each image stand on its own – taken out of the context of the wedding day it was captured in.

I say this every year, but every year it’s true. I feel that my style (shooting and editing) reaches a new level. Something to where I feel happy and proud in the way it is evolving and growing stronger. Something that was different about this year is the confidence that I felt with my style. I no longer felt the need to tweak things or go against my gut because it didn’t look enough like a popular photographer’s style. It felt good to see my own look come out and grow without feeling the need to mimic what current editing style is trending. And I’m content with that! 🙂

So, in no specific order and without any certain reason, other than personally loving the image/moment, enjoy my 2016 wedding favorites!

See past year’s recap posts here: 2015, 2014, 2013.

Categories: Weddings