2014 Favorites | Engagements

Wow what a year! Anyone else feel as if 2014 just flew by? This is one of my absolute favorite times of the year. Time to reflect and see everything I worked on and how I spent my time the past 365 days. But also a time to look forward to new adventures in the coming freshness of the new year.

I LOVE posting my favorites of the year. I could make it easy on myself and keep a favorites folder throughout the year so that I have the images ready to go, but where’s the fun in that? Though it takes up a bunch of time, I enjoy going back and looking through every single image that I took this year and choosing my favorites for this post. I get to fall in love with my job and the sweet (and beautiful!) couples that I get to work with all over again! I also find a few favorites that I may have over looked the first time around. Those surprises are my favorite! You know what else is my favorite? Eye crinkles, deep belly laughs, the in-between moments, the moments of genuine joy and emotion. The time where my couples forget that I’m there and are completely themselves. Those moments make my heart leap!

Enjoy my favorites engagement photos from this year! I’ll be posting my favorite wedding images soon!


Categories: Business, Engagements